How to Edit a Classifieds Listing on

Follow these detailed instructions to quickly update your listing using the web browser of your choice.

1. Open in your browser window.

2. Hover over the account icon on the right side of the header.
A checkmark appears on the icon if you are already logged in. If not, click the blue Sign In button and enter your email and password.Screen

3. Select My Listings from the menu, then select Classifieds.

4. Click Manage on the listing you wish to revise.


5. Click Edit on the listing you wish to revise.

6. Manage your photos by:

  • Dragging and dropping new images inside the rectangle’s dotted lines, or click to select images from your library.
  • Clicking on an existing photo to edit or delete it.
  • Clicking and holding until dotted lines appear around the images, dragging to change the order.


7. Make changes to any applicable General Information fields.
The Category and Subcategory fields are not editable.


8. Update your Contact Method or Contact Information if desired.

9. Check the box to re-accept the Terms and Conditions.

10. Toggle the Featured Listing box to get prominent positioning on KSL Classifieds, if desired, and enter your payment information before posting your listing. Otherwise, click the Post My Listing button.

Changes to your KSL Classifieds listing are now active! You can mark it as sold or delete it at any time before it expires.


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