If a listing hasn’t appeared on the website or app yet, here are some possible causes.
To help our users have a positive experience while using KSL Classifieds, we continually monitor all listings. If your listing does not appear as expected, check for these common reasons.
- Listing is new. All listings go through an automated review and uploading process, which usually takes about 15 minutes.
- Item is mislabeled. Listings must be in the correct category (Cars, Classifieds, Jobs). For example, a Classifieds listing placed under Cars will be removed.
- Users account is misidentified. A business may not place listings as private sellers. Businesses posting as private sellers that reach business listing limits amount will result in their listings being removed.
- Listing fee is due. If you owe for paid listings, contact support@ksl.com or reach out directly to your account executive.
- Compromised account. If an unauthorized user is modifying your account, your listings will be removed and that user will be blocked from creating additional listings.
- Listing violates KSL Terms of Use. Any listing that breaks KSL Terms of Use will be removed.
Common violations include:
- Listing is a product or service that is prohibited
- Duplicate listings within 14 days of the original
- Listing descriptions or prices are incorrect or do not reflect the item being sold
- Exceeding the number of listings available to a user or business
When a listing does not meet the terms of use, an email regarding required modifications is sent to the address associated with the account.
If none of the above issues apply, or if you suspect your account has been compromised, please email our CommuniTeam at support@ksl.com.
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