Follow these detailed instructions to add a video to a KSL Homes for Rent Listing.
App Instructions:
Adding or viewing a video on a Homes for Rent listing on the KSL Classifieds App isn’t available just yet.
Please Edit your listing by following the Web Instructions below.
Web Instructions:
- Go to and hover over the person icon in the upper right corner
- Select "My Listings"
- Select "Homes"
- Select "Manage" and then "Edit" (for existing listings)
- Select "Upload Video" under the Media section
- Input the YouTube URL of the video you’d like to post
- Please note, that YouTube short links will not upload
- Make any additional changes that you’d like
- Accept the Terms and Conditions and Save
If you have questions or concerns regarding your Homes for Rent Listing, please contact our Support Team at or (801) 515-2309. We’re happy to provide additional assistance!
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