How to Edit Your Personal Information on Your KSL Account

Follow these detailed instructions to edit your personal information on KSL.

Please note: the following account details must be updated through a Support Request: 

  • First Name and/or Last Name (available through the KSL Classifieds App only)
  • Existing Screenname
  • Email Address

For assistance with updating one of the details above, please contact our Support Team at or (801) 515-2309. We’ll be happy to assist you further! 

 App Instructions

1. Open the app on your smart device.

2. Tap “My Account” from the bottom left

Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 1.13.01 PM.png

3. Tap Profile.

Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 1.13.57 PM.png

4. Tap on the Account Details option that you’d like to modify

  • Personal Information
  • Jobs Quick Apply Info
  • Change Password
  • Request Account Deletion (learn more about this process here)

Email Address and Screenname changes are not editable through this process.  For assistance doing this contact us at or (801) 515-2309.

5. Tap Save Changes

You’re done! Your account information is now updated.


Web Instructions: 

1. Open in your browser window. 

2. Hover over the account icon on the right side of the header. 

A check mark appears on the icon if you are already logged in. If not, click the blue Sign In button and enter your email and password.

3. Click Welcome (Username) 

4. Click Edit next to the personal information you would like to update.

You can edit the following information. After each edit, click Submit.

  • Street Address 
  • City, State, Zip
  • Phone Number
  • Password

Name, Email Address, and Screenname changes are not editable through this process.  For assistance doing this contact us at or (801) 515-2309

You’re done! Your account information is now updated.


If you have questions or concerns regarding your Account Modifications, please contact our Support Team at or (801) 515-2309. We’re happy to provide additional assistance! 

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